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  HaGoan HaRav Shmuel Brudny Zeichor Tzadek VeKadosh LeVracha
  Rav Yisroel Belsky
  Rav Yisroel Reisman
  Rav Zalman Corlin
  Rav Yaakov Zev Smith
  Rav Moshe Bergman
  Rav Ahron Chaim Lapidoth
  Rav Yisroel Berenbaum
  Rav Moshe Aharon Friedman
  Rav Yaakov Moishe Shurkin (Sponsored by
  Rav Avi Wiesenfeld
  Rav Yosef Friedman
  Rav Usher David
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By Maggid Shiur: Sub-Categories

HaGoan HaRav Shmuel Brudny Zeichor Tzadek VeKadosh LeVracha  
Rav Brudny Bava Kama Perek 1 Rav Brudny Bava Kama Perek 7 Rav Brudny Bava Metziah Perek 1
Rav Shmuel Brudny Bava Basra Perek 1 Summer 5740 Rav Shmuel Brudny Bava Basra Perek 2 Elul 5740 Rav Shmuel Brudny Bava Basra Perek 3 Winter 5740
Rav Shmuel Brudny Bava Basra Perek 1 Summer 5735 Rav Shmuel Brudny Bava Basra Perek 2 Elul 5735 Rav Shmuel Brudny Gittin Perek 1 5736
Rav Shmuel Brudny Nedarim Perek 1 5737 Rav S Brudny Kedushin Perek 1 5739 Rav Shmuel Brudny Yevamos Perek 1 5739
Rav Shmuel Brudny Kesubos Perek 1 Winter 5738 Rav Shmuel Brudny Kesubos Perek 2 Elul 5738 Rav Shmuel Brudny Kesubos Perek 3 Summer 5738
View All 15 Categories >>
Yevamos Daf 2A - Shiur 001 Yevamos Daf 2A - Shiur 003 Yevamos Daf 2A - Shiur 007
Yevamos Daf 2A - Shiur 008 Yevamos Daf 2B - Shiur 011 Yevamos Daf 2B - Shiur 012
View All 28 Shiurim >>

Rav Yisroel Belsky  
Hashkafa Parshah Tanach
Halacho Chinuch Yomim Tovim
View All 6 Categories >>

Rav Yisroel Reisman  
The Navi Shiur Derush Bava Kama
Bava Metzia Bava Basra - Perek Chezkas HaBatim Shiur 1 to 85, Perek HaShutfin Shiur 86 to 136, Perek Lo Yachpor Shiur 137 to 173 Gittin
Kesubos Kiddushin Makos
Pesachim Yevamos Yoreh Deah CD Sets
Hilchos Niddah Yoreh Deah 47 Shiurim given 5773 and 5774 Hilchos Niddah in Short Hilchos Ta'aruvos - Yoreh Deah Simanim 98 - 110
Hilchos Basar V'Cholov - Yoreh Deah Simanim 87 - 97 Hilchos Melicha - Yoreh Deah Simanim 69 - 73 Hilchos Tolahim
Hilchos Chagavim - Yoreh Deah Siman 85 Hilchos Beitzim - Yoreh Deah 86 Hilchos Dahm - Yoreh Deah Siman 65 to 68
Hilchos Macholos AKUM - Yoreh Deah 112-115 Hilchos Uncovered Water - Yoreh Deah Siman 116 Hilchos Simon for Meat - Yoreh Deah 118
Hilchos Not to Sell Davar Ossur - Yoreh Deah 117 Hilchos Suspected of Eating Issur - Yoreh Deah 119 Hilchos Mikvah - Yoreh Deah Siman 201
Hilchos Hechsher Keilim - Yoreh Deah 120-121 Yoreh Deah 122 - Nosain Taam LePegam Orach Chaim
Yoreh Deah 123 - Hilchos Yayin Nesech Yoreh Deah 124 - Hilchos Yayin Nesech Gemorah CD Sets
Yomim Tovim Yoreh Deah 141 - Hilchos Avodah Zarah Yoreh Deah 155 - Hilchos Avodah Zarah
Yoreh Deah 178 - Hilchos Chukas HaGoyim Yoreh Deah 156 to 158 - Hilchos Avodah Zarah Hilchos Ribis - Yoreh Deah 159 - 160
Yoreh Deah 179 - Hilchos Kishif Yoreh Deah 180 - Hilchos Tatooing Yoreh Deah 181 and 182 - Hilchos Shaving and Lo Yilbash
Parsha by Rav Reisman Hashkafa Mishmar
Shekalim Yoreh Deah 240 - Hilchos Kibud Av VeAim Yoreh Deah Kelalei Horaah Issur VeHeter
Yoreh Deah 246 - Hilchos Talmud Torah Yoreh Deah 247 - 259 Hilchos Tzedakeh Yoreh Deah 260 - 266 Hilchos Milah
Parsha 5774 by Rav Reisman Parsha 5775 by Rav Reisman Hesped
Kuzari Yoreh Deah 305 Hilchos Pidyan HaBen Yoreh Deah 268 to 269 - Hilchos Geiris
Yoreh Deah 322 - 330 Hilchos Chalah Parsha 5776 by Rav Reisman Haftoras
Yoreh Deah 369 - 374 Hilchos Tumas Kohen Yoreh Deah 376, 378-390 Hilchos Aveilus Yoreh Deah 294 Hilchos Orlah
Hilchos Loshon Hora Parsha 5777 by Rav Reisman Yoreh Deah 295 Hilchos Kalei Elanos
Yoreh Deah 285-291 Hilchos Mezuzah Chochmas Adom - Klal 65 - 74,27,88-89 Yoreh Deah 292 Hilchos Sheluach HaKein
Yoreh Deah 293 Hilchos Chodosh Yoreh Deah 270 - 275 Hilchos Sefer Torah Yoreh Deah 332 - 333 Hilchos Reishis Hageiz
Mishna Berurah - Hilchos Refuah Yoreh Deah 228 - Hilchos Nedarim Even HaEzer 21 - Hilchos Lehisracheik MeiArayos
Even HaEzer 22 - Hilchos Yichud Yoreh Deah 331 - Hilchos Terumos Iyun Tefillah - Based on Rav Schwab on Prayer
Yoreh Deah 110 - Hilchos Sofek Terafos Yoreh Deah 298 - 304 Hilchos Kelayei Begadim Yoreh Deah 121 - Hilchos Hechsher Keilim 2019
Yoreh Deah 120 - Hilchos Tevilas Keilim 2019 Hilchos Macholos AKUM - Yoreh Deah 112-117 5779_2019 Hilchos Macholos AKUM - Yoreh Deah 118-119 5780_2020
Hilchos Nosain Taam LePegam - Yoreh Deah 122 5781 2021 Yoreh Deah 84 - Hilchos Tolayim 5781_2021 Choshen Mishpat 67 - Hilchos Shmitta
Even HaEzer Siman 1 - 6 5782 Even HaEzer Siman 60 - 66 5783 Hilchos Chol HaMoad
Even HaEzer Siman 8 - 16, 5784 Even HaEzer Siman 17 - 20, 5785   
View All 92 Categories >>

Rav Zalman Corlin  
The Fall of Sheik Yassin Breaking Away From Foreign Influences Great Things From the Least Among Us
The Fall of Yishmael & Rise of Moshiach Good News For The Jews The End Of Anxiety
View All 11 Shiurim >>

Rav Yaakov Zev Smith  
Hilchos Brachos    
View All 1 Categories >>

Rav Moshe Bergman  
Inyonim Shonim    
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Rav Ahron Chaim Lapidoth  
Nach Nach CD Sets   
View All 2 Categories >>

Rav Yisroel Berenbaum  
Aseras Yemay Teshuva - Machshava Parshas Noach - Shiur on the Parsha Parshas VaYerah - Shiur on the Parsha
Parshas Toldos - Shiur on the Parsha Parshas VaYishlach - Shiur on the Parsha Parshas Miketz - Shiur on the Parsha
View All 10 Shiurim >>

Rav Moshe Aharon Friedman  
Yomim Tovim Parsha Parsha Preview by Rav Friedman 15 minute Shiur
View All 3 Categories >>
Rav Friedman on Parshas Shemos - Shiur 13 Rav Friedman on Parshas Shemos - Shiur 42 Rav Friedman on Parshas Shemos - Shiur 98
Rav Friedman on Parshas Vaera - Shiur 14 Rav Friedman on Parshas Vaera - Shiur 43 Rav Friedman on Parshas Vaera - Shiur 99
View All 47 Shiurim >>

Rav Yaakov Moishe Shurkin (Sponsored by  
Shiurim BeTeshuvos Rav Akiva Eiger (Sponsored by Shiurim BeTeshuvos Rav Akiva Eiger 5775 (Sponsored by Shiurim BeTeshuvos Rav Akiva Eiger 5776 (Sponsored by
View All 3 Categories >>

Rav Avi Wiesenfeld  
Hilchos Chanuka Hilchos Purim Hilchos Pesach
Hilchos Shabbos Hilchos Brochos Kashrus
Guarding your Kedusha Hilchos Tefila Topics in Halacha
Hilchos Shmittah Hilchos Tzedakeh and Chesed Hashkafah and Machshavah
Hilchos Kibud Av VeAim Hilchos Rosh Chodesh Hilchos Tzitzis
Hilchos Succos and Arba Minim Hilchos Mezuza Elul and Shofer
Krias HaTorah Sefer Chofetz Chaim Asaro BeTeves
Stealing Tu Bishvat Hilchos Yom Tov
On the Parsha 5775 Non Jewish Practices Hilchos Chol Hamoed
Stepping Stones to Better Tefila The Coming of Moshiach   
View All 29 Categories >>

Rav Yosef Friedman  
Hilchos Shomrim    
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Rav Usher David  

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